You’ve lived your whole life making decisions for yourself. You are smart, independent, and active. So, why does figuring out what Medicare actually covers so confusing? We can’t answer that question, but we can help uncover some of the veils. Equipping you to live your best life is our passion.
To take full advantage of the Medicare program, enroll in the six months surrounding your 65th birthday, from three months before to three months after. If you wait until after this period has passed, enrollment becomes a bit trickier and can be more expensive.
“Mr. Green's 65th birthday is July 20, 2020. If he signs up for Medicare in April, May, or June, his coverage will start on July 1, 2020.”
One of the most bizarre parts of Medicare is that it is put into parts. What’s worse is that the coverage under the original Medicare program is categorized into Part A and Part B. Who thought that would be clear?
Part A of "Original Medicare" is inpatient hospital insurance. It helps pay your bills when you are admitted to a hospital, hospice, a skilled nursing facility, or eligible skilled home health care.
If the hospital accepts Medicare, Part A will cover all your hospital care when admitted by a physician. This includes a semi-private room, meals, nursing, any drugs you are prescribed, etc.
Part B of "Original Medicare" is your medical and outpatient insurance. This is basic medical care like doctor appointments, X-rays and lab tests, and medical equipment.
Visits to the doctor for screenings for common diseases such as osteoporosis, heart disease, and diabetes are also covered.
Original Medicare covers quite a bit. But when we ask if it pays for “everything” we generally think of prescription drugs. Part A covers the hospital part of Medicare while Part B covers doctor visits, labs, and diagnostic tests. All of these services still have copays.
There is a whole slew of things that Medicare doesn’t cover that you might think they should. This includes elective surgeries, hearing aids, dental work, and more. (Hearing aids, really? It seems odd for sure.)
This is why we have created an extensive Medicare Guide.
Our complete Medicare guide that you can sign up for through Healthy Access covers this in more detail. Get the guide so you can get back to living your best life!