9 Top New Year's Resolutions for Seniors You Will Want to Keep!

December 30, 2021

Another year is almost here! Yet another year and another chance to do everything right. We hope you did well in achieving your goals in 2021. If you didn’t, don’t worry. Chances are we'll stick to our New Year's resolutions about as long as those bubbles last in that bottle of champagne we open just before midnight. However! We shouldn’t let that get us down.

The most popular new year’s resolution in America in 2021 was, again, to lose weight and get fit. We don’t know if that worked out for many people. What do you think?

What was your resolution for 2021? Did you make more than one? How did you stick with what you resolved to do? This author made eleven resolutions (the same ones I make every year) and honestly I only achieved three of them and they were all work-related! I think for 2022 I’ll make some new ones. Losing weight wasn’t in the mix though!

Resolutions Motivate and Activate Us 

Looking back over the year you can probably pat yourself on the back for a few small steps forward, right?  Did you know that 80% of resolutions normally fail by the second week of February? That’s the honest truth. So the odds are against us sticking to whatever resolutions we make. It’s fun though, and more importantly, it keeps our intentions top of mind. Resolutions keep us motivated!

“Making New Year’s resolutions can help you feel better for many more years to come.” Health In Aging

They say motivation is like a fire. It keeps us warm and happy. It gives us purpose and desire. Motivation is so important, it might even keep us alive longer!

“Studies in the past have hinted at the benefit of purpose for older adults. But a study published in 2019 actually shows that having purpose may extend your life.” US News 

Our 2022 New Year's Resolutions that are Fun AND Healthy

Most resolutions are so dull! I wonder if there are some more interesting goals for seniors, or to put it more politically correct, goals for older adults, we could put into our new year resolution mix? How about these?

  1. To be funnier, more popular, or happier. Sometimes having friends around us, and making people smile, can make the difference between a good year and a mediocre one.

  1. To eat less, so you can dance longer. Dancing will make us happy, for sure. And, if you dance like we do, people will also be laughing. So there are two resolutions in one!

  1. To fix up or renovate your home. Replacing the roof may not be on your agenda for 2022, but sometimes simply moving furniture to another part of the room can make a lot of difference. You may even like to switch furniture with your best friend. Didn’t think of that now, did you?

  1. To take a trip! That would be heaven, right? Travelling was so easy in the past. Now it’s more difficult. However, you probably haven’t seen every town in your state? If you have, the next state is probably not too far away. In fact, you probably haven’t seen everything in your city.

  1. To learn something new, or finish a degree. I love learning! Isn’t it too bad that when we were young we didn’t want to learn? Youth is wasted on the young. Learning can also be the first step to a new hobby! If not learning how to dance, then how about learning how to cook?

  1. To start or continue exercising. This is always hard, especially if you can no longer jog or lift weights like you once could. Well, there is always yoga or Tai Chi. Sometimes I exercise by purposely leaving something in the kitchen so I have to walk back and get it.

  1. To find some useful apps for your smartphone. Perhaps that exercise app? The joy of a phone app is you can take it with you. Sudoku games, language learning apps, even an app so you can talk with your grandkids. The world really is in your pocket!

  1. To read more. That keeps our minds sharp for sure. Reading is the best way to travel. You can explore the world in your mind, and travel back to better times, too. Check your Google app. We bet someone you once knew wrote a book you never knew about. Now’s the time to explore the library either in your town or the next one if you are feeling like some exercise!

  1. To fall in love. In Paris!! Amore! Ahhh – stay in love, like Bella and Wayne, or perhaps meet someone on the tour bus. In fact, you can even meet someone in the travel section of the bookstore or the library. Then, you can take them dancing!

Let’s be honest, New Year's resolutions for seniors are the same as for everyone, right? Okay, probably not for kids, but perhaps for the kid in all of us? Whatever you choose to do in 2022, as they say, just do it!

“Focusing on doable goals to boost your health and quality of life. It turns out even small daily adjustments can have a surprisingly big impact!” Chartwell

If there’s something you yearn for and it’s not on our list, go for it anyway. As they say – don’t think about what you’ve done, think about what you will do. Have an amazing new year in 2022!  

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