Look into the Eye: Diseases Every Senior Should Know About

October 25, 2021

Be Proactive and Make Every Month Healthy Ageing Month

You may have missed Healthy Ageing Month in September, but we’re sure you take your health seriously every month, right? It’s a full-time job. This is kind of unfair because we’re retired now! 

Our body needs to be cared for around the clock. Injuries and sickness can strike at any moment. We need to stay alert. That’s in addition to staying fit, watching what we eat and drink, and keeping up our mental and emotional well-being.

Whoever said looking this good was an easy job though? Don’t worry. We have you covered any time you have questions. Whether it be healthy diet tips, our frequent exercise ideas to stay fit, or romantic travel tips to exercise your heart, we’re here for you!

This week we’d like you to focus on your eyes, the gateways to our soul, and without them a lot more trouble finding our glasses than we already go through. Aside from common eye diseases, something as simple as too much time on our phone can be a source of eye-care concern. So, take off those rose-tinted glasses, put on some blue ones, and read on!

“Join the National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP) to help raise awareness about eye health and aging. Let people in your community know how they can protect their vision as they get older.” National Eye Institute

What Can I Do to Protect My Eyes and Keep Them Healthy?

Never have we demanded so much from our eyes. Computers, phones, television, driving – so much relies on our ability to see. Whether recreation or work-related, everything we do is better when we can match sounds with pictures. That’s why it’s so important to care for our eyes as much as we can.

Many things in everyday life can affect eye health, whether positively or negatively. Sometimes it only takes a few small things to protect our eyes so we can enjoy them longer.

  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco. Both minimize oxygen, which our eyes need. Reduced blood flow causes the lens to age faster.

  • Protect your eyes from extended or intense sunshine. Those who overdo it risk chronic damage. Other long-term diseases caused by UV radiation are cataracts, retinal aging, macular degeneration, and eye tumors.

  • A balanced diet with as many fresh products as possible, such as fruits and vegetables, pays off. This also includes eye health. Why? General diseases such as poor blood lipid levels, diabetes, and high blood pressure are risk factors for eye diseases.

  • Getting enough sleep relaxes the eye muscles because they are closed and able to rest. However, it has been shown that people with sleep apnea have an increased risk of glaucoma. Therefore, for the benefit of the eyes, sleep problems should not be ignored.

“Eye issues are a common, even inevitable, part of the aging process. Some conditions are merely annoying, while others are diseases that can lead to permanent vision loss if left untreated. The key? Early detection. Make time for regular eye exams and look out for age-related eye problems” AARP

Your Eyes are Getting Heavy? Here are Some of the Top Age-Related Eye Problems

We all get dry eyes. And the irritation during pollen season is something best left behind in puberty! When you think about it, our eyes have seen a lot. They are open for so many hours every day. Some conditions are handled with over-the-counter remedies or a stronger pair of reading glasses. Other times we may need to reach for stronger medicine. 

Dry Eye

Dry eye can occur for a variety of reasons. The production of tear fluid decreases with age. Women are more affected than men due to hormonal influence. Especially after menopause, the symptoms often intensify.


Many people suffer from this symptom of a so-called vitreous opacity, especially with increasing age. This is generally harmless but very annoying and unpleasant for those affected. Some symptoms speak for an ophthalmological emergency.

If they condense into a rain of sooty flakes, bright flashes appear or a dark curtain lays itself before the eyes, this is a sign of retinal detachment. See your ophthalmologist immediately!


The eye disease glaucoma must be taken seriously and treated early. Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve, which transmits everything that the eye perceives to the brain, which then forms an image from it and interprets or evaluates it accordingly.


Almost everyone gets cataracts. The natural UV radiation from sunlight seems to be involved in the aging of the eye lens. The early and consistent wearing of sunglasses with high UV protection has a certain preventive effect on the development of cataracts.

“By age 65, one in three Americans have some form of a vision-impairing eye condition. There are four major age-related eye diseases (AREDs) that affect seniors: glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy. “ AgingCare

Are there Homeopathic Treatments for Eye Problems?

Homeopathy can be an important alternative or accompaniment for the treatment of various ailments. It can help to decisively improve the quality of life of seniors. It’s important to note that all eye complaints such as diseases and injuries of the eyes should not be treated without seeking medical advice. If there is the slightest doubt that the injuries or problems are harmless, please contact your doctor. Injuries to the eye should be examined by an ophthalmologist; homeopathic remedies should be taken only for first aid.

“Simple first aid can many times help. When there is something in the eye, it can be helpful to flush the eye with water. If there has been a chemical exposure, loss of vision, or a solid object in the eye, seek medical assistance immediately. Some remedies can help but the eye is a delicate organ and needs proper physical attention when injured.” Resonance School of Homeopathy

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

No matter how well you take care of your eye health, preventive care at the ophthalmologist remains essential. It is the only way to detect diseases before the symptoms appear and to treat them at an early stage. Even for otherwise healthy older people, it’s advised to have a check-up every two to five years. 

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